
The CDX systems needs to be connected to the OBIB (Oscar Bidirectional Interoperability Bus) exchange data. Users with role “admin” can check this in the CDX user interface in OSCAR’s Admin panel.

Admin → Integration → Clinical Data eXchange (CDX)

The CDX Status tab indicates whether OSCAR is connected with an OBIB.

If the CDX Status tab indicates The OBIB is not connected, please contact your OSCAR Service Provider.

CDX Configuration

Administrators can configure the OBIB connection:

  • OBIB URL specifies the URL of the Oscar Bidirectional Interoperability Bus (OBIB)
  • Clinic OID specifies the ID assigned to the clinic by CDX. This is a read only value sourced from the file installed when OSCAR is configured for CDX.
  • Automatic Import Enabled/Disabled specifies whether OSCAR will automatically download new documents.
  • Polling Interval specifies the time interval between automatic downloads (in minutes)
  • Save button makes the settings persistent