The Oscar Bidirectional Interoperability Bus (OBIB) provides a set of services to achieve interoperability between Oscar and CDX. These services are implemented through Mirth Connect channels and a couple of Web Services and RESTful clients. In addition, OBIB is embedeed in a Virtual Machine (VM) defined by Vagrant.
The OBIB VM is an Ubuntu 18.04 VM build and managed using Vagrant. When deployed, OBIB VM contains all software necessary to execute the OBIB services.
Vagrantfile is the Vagrant definition file for the virtual machine and its configurations, such as memory, network type, IP address, forwarded ports, and shared folders. contains the configurations needed to install the software within the VM and deploy the OBIB Services. is executed automatically during the VM installation and it is responsible for install and configure all software required by OBIB. When executed the script: is executed as a Vagrant provision and it is responsible for deploy and update OBIB within Mirth Connect. updates the database by running the script ./dbscripts/OBIB_DB_update.sql, updates the Mirth Connect’s resources, global scripts, channels and code template libraries, and redeploy all Mirth Connect’s channels.
See the section OBIB Installation for instruction on how to run is an administrative script responsible for the clinics’ management (register, unregister, and verification).
Instructions on how to use are in the section Clinic Registration of this manual.
For security reasons, this script should be executed from within the VM. is a helper script that generates a self-signed SSL/TLS CA certificate for OBIB. This certificate is utilized to generate the clinics’ certificates, which are utilized by OBIB Connector to access the OBIB Services.
For security reasons, this script should be executed from within the VM.
This channel is responsible for:
As already mentioned, the source connector of the OBIB Services channel is an HTTP Listener that implements different services. These services are implemented by the Destination Set Filter source connector that routes the messages for the correct destination connector according to the context path of the HTTP request. Moreover, this channel has a couple of JavaScript source connectors to validate the Clinic’s credentials and OBIB Connector version. Also, this HTTP Listener implements a custom HTTP authentication using the clinicId and password which are sent in the HTTP request header.
OBIB Services implements the following services using JavaScript Writer destination connectors.
Service Submit Document is responsible for creating and submit CDA Documents.
from the CDXConnector library.responseMessage
variable. Also, the CDA Document is included in the OBIB response, both in JSON and XML formats after parsed by the CDA Document Parser channel.Service List New Documents is responsible for listing/pooling new CDA documents for a specific clinic. It uses the method WSClientDocument.listNewDocuments()
from the CDXConnector library.
variable.Service Search Documents is responsible for searching for documents by effective and event period, clinic id or document id. It uses the method WSClientDocument.searchDocuments()
from the CDXConnector library.
variable.Service Get Document is responsible for getting a specific document by its id. It uses the method WSClientDocument.getDocument()
from the CDXConnector library.
variable.Service List Clinics is responsible for search/list clinics by clinic id, clinic name, and clinic address. It uses the method WSClientClinic.listClinics()
from the CDXConnector library.
variable. Moreover, the Clinic Registry is parsed by the CDA Registry Parser channel.Service List Providers is responsible for search/list providers by clinic id, provider id and provider name. It uses the method WSClientProvider.listProviders()
from the CDXConnector library.
variable. Moreover, the Provider Registry is parsed by the CDA Registry Parser channel.Service OSP Support is responsible for process (error) notifications from the OBIB clients using the OSP Support channel.
Service Distribution Status is responsible for searching/requesting the distribution status of a document from CDX. It uses the method WSClientDocument.getDistributionStatus()
from the CDXConnector library.
variable.This channel is responsible for converting CDA Documents (CDX HL7) to OBIB JSON Documents.
Its source connector is a Channel Reader and it has only one destination connector, named Parse CDA Document which is a Javascript Writer. Parse CDA Document stores the transformed message (JSON) into the response map, and this message is afterwards returned by the source connector.
The messages are transformed by the Parse CDA Document’s transformers. Each transformer is responsible for transform a section of the document.
This channel is responsible for converting the CDX XML registry messages (clinics and providers) into OBIB JSON messages.
Its source connector is a Channel Reader and it has two destination connectors: Parse Clinic Registry and Parse Provider Registry which are Javascript Writers. Both connectors store the transformed message (JSON) into the response map, and this message is afterwards returned by the source connector.
To select which destination connector is responsible for a message, the source connector has two transformers that act as Destination Set Filters that route the messages according to the value of //subject1/assignedEntity/code/@code of the XML.
Parse Clinic Registry transforms the Clinic Registry messages using three transformers. Also, it has a filter to get only messages in which the clinic is able to receive a specific document type (e-Referrals).
Parse Provider Registry transforms the Provider Registry messages using two transformers. It also has a filter to get only messages in which the clinic is able to receive a specific document type (e-Referrals).
This channel is responsible for receive and store (error) messages, and forward them via email.
Its source connector is a Channel Reader and to handle the messages OSP Support has two chained destination connectors, which are executed in sequence. The channels are:
Store Error Message is a Database Writer and it is responsible for persisting the message in the OBIB Database.
Send Notification Email is a SMTP Sender and it is responsible for sending the messages via e-mail for the registered recipients. To test this service, FakeSMTP is being used as a mock SMTP local server. It must be run separately, and the received emails are saved in files locally.
This channel is responsible for storing the metadata of the documents sent to CDX and the metadata of the CDX responses in the OBIB database.
Its source connector is a Channel Reader and it has three Database Writer destination connectors to store the different messages’ metadata: Store CDA Document, Store CDA Response and Store CDA Attachment.
To select which destination connector is responsible for a message, the source connector has three transformers that act as Destination Set Filters that route the messages according to the type of the message (tag messageType).
OBIB only utilizes the Deploy global script, that executes once for each deploys or redeploy task. This script loads information from the properties file, and the OBIB Database, and stores this information in the global map to be accessible by the channels.
OBIB has a number of code templates, which are functions that can be used across multiple channels. These code templates are divided into two code template libraries just to organization purpose. The OBIB library contains general use scripts and the CDA library contains scripts to parse, format and build CDA message snippets.
Since OBIB is implemented in Mirth Connect, the easiest way to maintain code is by using the Mirth Connect Administrator. To execute the Mirth Connect Administrator it is necessary download an Administrator Launcher, which is available in the Mirth Connect Launch Page (see figure below), or in the Nextgen’s download page.
See the section OBIB Installation for instruction on how to login into Mirth Connect Administrator.
The easiest way to use Mirth Connect Administrator is download it from the Nextgen’s download page and run it by calling the ./launcher
CDX Connector is a Java library responsible for connecting to CDX Web Services. Most of the code necessary to communicate with the Web Services is generated from the Web Services definitions using Maven plugins.
The following plugins are utilized to automate the WS client code generation:
The classes,, contain the public methods that call the CDX WS methods.
The package ca.uvic.leadlab.cdxconnector.messages contains builders and object factories to create WS messages.
The folder src/main/resources/wsdl stores the WSDL and XSD files downloaded from CDX, and utilized to generate the WS client code.
Due to some limitations in the Apache CXF and incompatibilities with the CDX WS definitions, some “hacks” in the WSDL and XSD files were necessary to generate Java code. All “hacks” are commented with the tag HACK:
When the CDX Connector jar file is generated, it also generates a jar-test that can be utilized for submitting CDA XML documents via the command line. See the CDX Connector for more details.
OBIB Connector is a Java library responsible for connecting to OBIB REST services.
Package facades define fluent interfaces to submit and receive documents, look for registries (clinics and providers), and execute supportive operations in OBIB.
Package impl implements the interfaces defined in facades.
Package models define the class structure of the OBIB JSON Document. These classes are utilized to generate the JSON messages sent to the OBIB.
Package rest implements the client methods for the OBIB REST services. The REST client utilizes the setting in the file to communicate with the OBIB.
The OBIB Connector tests connect to OBIB using SSL/TLS. Thus, when a new OBIB is deployed in the development environment it is necessary copy the new clinic keystore to the folder /certs in obibconnector and run the maven task ‘package’;